Warm Welcome

Organic Wastes

A warm welcome to readers who have accessed this blog.
We are a team of consultants who have the passion in developing sustainable learning and assist to achieve a sustainable environment.

As the population grows globally we must be aware that humans do use and throw away a-lot of materials (plastic, metal, wood) and food that are not consumed.

Government of the country or town councils will have and am having difficulties to dispose of the rubbish.
The easiest way is to dump them in vacant land or throw them in the sea. These methods have proved to create pollution and harm the sea creatures respectively.

Why not we start a program to make the residents aware that the collection of the rubbish can be segregated as follows:
Food, Recyclables, Paper and Rubbish.

Town councils must be involved in the education of the people (as in Cairo's case on managing their town rubbish).
Organic food collected can be converted to organic fertilizers through a process of digestion with an enzyme and a machine with a heater of a temperature of 80 degree celcius.
The organic fertilizers can be used / sold as fertilizers for farms that require them.

Please contact us for more information at:

